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Alice Walker and “Womanism.”

It is officially #blackhistorymonth ! We wanted to share some information about things that have been whitewashed out of history.
The first thing I want to talk about, is Alice Walker- author of “The Color Purple” and her creation of “womanism” during the feminism movement!
This article explains how feminism began and was taken over primarily by white women who were “negating the injustices and discrimination of heterosexual and gay Black and brown women” and not women as a whole. Something that we don’t really see a distinction in when we talk about feminism. Now, that’s not to say now that most feminists view it that way, or don’t include all women, but it does shine a light on how in the beginning feminism ( 1960’s-70’s) seemed to ignore woman of color, or of lower class, etc. That’s when Alice Walker coined the term “womanism” and seemed to have a view that encompassed all women, including women of color, lower class, etc.
Find this article here—->

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