Yasss! We are here for our representation in government systems! 💕
Archives: News
RIP an Ally and a Hero.
Find this article and more at———> https://thegavoice.com/news/lgbtq-ally-and-civl-rights-hero-rep-john-lewis-dies-at-80/
COVID Move Atlanta Pride Online
So proud of our community for taking the proper precautions during these times. We can still celebrate and show our pride safely, and we should be proud!
The Keys to Keeping Activism Alive!
Our friends over at The Georgia Voice keeping up active in our activism! It’s hard sometimes to continue pushing, but here are some ways you can!
Our community has lost so many beautiful souls, but recently these deaths seem to hit a little harder. Read this article and think about the ways you can be a better ally, or friend, to those who desperately need it now

MANHATTAN, NY – JUNE 12: A Caucasian protester holds up their homemade sign on a box that says, “Black Trans Lives Matter No Justice No Peace” during a protest at Trump Tower. This was part of the Black Womxn’s Empowerment March that started at Trump Tower and marched to Gracie Mansion. Protesters continue taking to the streets across America and around the world after the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer Derek Chauvin that was kneeling on his neck during for eight minutes, was caught on video and went viral. During his arrest as Floyd pleaded, “I Can’t Breathe”. The protest are attempting to give a voice to the need for human rights for African American’s and to stop police brutality against people of color. They are also protesting deep-seated racism in America. Many people were wearing masks and observing social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic. Photographed in the Manhattan Borough of New York on June 12, 2020, USA. (Photo by Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images)
Yasssss Queen!
Lavern has been educating us for a while now, and if you still have questions read this article and educate 🤣💅🏽
Angela Reign – Online Concert for a Cause

Courtney Act’s coming of age: ‘To reflect back on it … I just sat there sobbing’
Shane Jenek’s memoir chronicles his childhood and career ascent on Sydney’s gay golden mile